Sunday, October 12, 2008

Water Cycle

Dear Parents,
I am so excited to announce that we will be learning about the water cycle this week! Water is such a big part of our lives and it gives us such nourishment. Learning about water is a part of our science TEKS that we have to learn throughout the year. During this week your child will be able to identify the significance of the water cycle as it pertains to their lives. I have added a picture of what the water cycle looks like, this should help to understand how the water cycle works. This is how the water cycle works:

1. The water evaporates in the atmosphere
2. Falls to Earth as precipitation to the ground, lakes and rivers.
3. Then it flows to the sea where it evaporates again back into the atmosphere.
To start off this unit on the water cycle there interactive water cycle that your child can go to and watch how the water cycle works. Your child can click on different part of the water cycle to hear how each part interacts in the water cycle. It is a great representation of the cycle and will help for remembering it later. Just click on the water cup on the right side of the screen to see the interactive water cycle.

On the
Water, Water Everywhere site you can click on the picture on the right side of the page and learn about the different part of the water cycle in detail. When you click on each part you will see the information as well as pictures to describe each part of the water cycle. This site is helpful because of the information given and that it shows such good pictures of each part. You and your child will have fun learning about the water cycle together.

For our last site the
Water Cycle Game, you and your child will learn about the water cycle through and interactive game. In this game you will actually do the each step in the water cycle and then at the end you will label each part of the water cycle. Have fun with this game it is a good review for each part of the cycle.

Have a great time learning with your child! More to come next week.

Ms. Dzik

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