Monday, October 13, 2008


Parents, This week we will be learning about Energy. Energy is what we will learn about through our TEKS for the year. Energy comes in many forms, such as light, heat, electrical, and solar energy.

On our first site
Energy Quest Room you will find information about energy. You will see a classroom that has different links to information on energy, games to play, scientists, time line of energy and much more. This is a good site because your child can explore on their own or you can explore with them. It also links for teachers and parents.

This picture should help when describing different forms of energy. In the picture you will see that there is:

1. Light Energy
2. Chemical Energy

3. Solar Energy

4. Heat Energy
5. Electrical Energy

6. Mechanical Energy

7. Nuclear Energy
Wind Energy is a form of electrical energy, in other words we use wind energy to convert into electrical energy. At the site Energy In Motion, your child can play a game that asks question about wind energy. It explains how wind energy is made and used for electricity in homes. This would be great for both you and your child to play with!

Florida Power and Light, you can learn information about the different types of energy. Your child can play energy games, learn how to read a electrical meter, experiment with energy, and so much more. This site is good for learning and review knowledge learned at home and in school.

That is all for this week, I hope you have fun learning about energy with your child. Turn in next week for more fun stuff!

Ms. Dzik

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